Couples Counseling

It was the best of times.

It was so new – so fun – so EXCITING. Just thinking about him or her filled your stomach with butterflies.

You laughed and played with each other. Time stopped. Nothing else existed.

There was harmony. You lived for each other’s smiles.

Who cared about how much money you made? What job you worked? Responsibilities? You had each other – and that was more than enough. It was amazing.

But then, the worst of times.

Now things, just aren’t the same.

As time has marched on, the newness has worn off, replaced by the dull stresses of everyday life: the job, the bills, the kids, the dog, etc.

It feels like every little disagreement turns into a huge argument – with no resolution. You just don’t see eye to eye.

Suddenly, one or both of you are wondering why or how you ever fell in love in the first place.

Now what?

You’ve lost your connection. You don’t talk anymore.

You know something is wrong, but you don’t know how to fix it without starting yet another fight.

You’re not alone.

It’s unrealistic to think that happy couples don’t fight, or that your continual disagreements mean inevitable separation.

Together, we’ll create a safe space for the two of you to have open, honest, and sometimes difficult conversations.

Together, we’ll slowly peel away the layers of resentment and blame to help each person feel heard and truly understood.

Our goal is rediscovery. Reconnection. Restoration.

Get back to the “butterflies.”

Today’s the day.

Put an end to the worst and create an even better best.

Ready to cultivate the relationship you deserve? Call (831) 480-5292
or email me today.