Substance Use Disorder

Drugs and alcohol are helpful – until they’re not

Let’s face it. People use drugs or alcohol to meet a need. It’s a solution to a problem.

Whether it’s stress from the job, the spouse, the kids, the bills, or something much deeper, “taking the edge off” can be helpful.

However, it can seem so “helpful” that it becomes hard to use any other tool for dealing with life.

When drugs and/or alcohol become the only way of “dealing” with stress or pain, the drugs and/or alcohol can become the “problem.”

Getting real help

Getting help for substance use can be extremely difficult. There is a great deal of guilt and shame associated with “having a problem.”

Sometimes the people around us don’t know that help is needed, which makes it even harder to reach out.

Or, what does help even mean?

Let me be your guide

It takes a great deal of courage to ask for help.

I’ll provide a space for you to talk openly about what is really going on in your life, without the fear of being judged.

First, we’ll take steps to obtain immediate stability, and then we’ll dig in.

I’ll help you gain clarity and understanding about your substance use. Together, we’ll develop a plan to move forward.

There is more to life

Freedom from isolation…

Connection with the people you love and who care about you…

Engaging in recreational activities again…

Enjoying being a parent, spouse, partner, employee…

Being your true authentic self – no matter the setting.

Begin changing your life today.

Together, we can put you back in control, so you can live the life you truly want.

Call or email today (831) 480-5292 to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.